Flamenco People "Flamenco People" is a project which I began to develop during my years in Madrid. Fascinated by the rhythm and the music I wanted to become familiar with every aspect of that art form because once you allow the flamenco to touch your soul there is no escape. And what a better place than Madrid, the capital of the country and the centre of flamenco. Today this genuine spanish art has been rediscovered after many years of being considered the embodiment of the old Franco regime and no more than a cheap tourist attraction. Starting in 1997 I took portraits of Spains most popular flamenco artists, using a portable plate camera - a photographic approach to the flamenco artists which I believe to be unique up to now. The pictures show neither dance nor music but concentrate on the character of the performer, the personality through which the artist captivates his audience. Thus we find photographs next to each other showing man and woman, payo and gypsy, old and young. Showing "bailaores", "cantaores" and "tocaores", people from Jerez, Sevilla, Cadiz or Madrid... all the great characters of the Flamenco world, free of all stereotypes that are evoked by hearing the word "flamenco". And the project still continues, because Flamenco absorbs you completely,
forever. |
Flamenco People "Flamenco People" es un proyecto que he venido desarrollando durante mi larga estancia en Madrid. La fascinación por esta música, por su ritmo, despertaron mi interés en conocer el flamenco en todas sus facetas. Quien permite una vez que esta música le conmueva, estará enganchado para siempre. Y qué mejor sitio que Madrid, la capital del país y el centro del flamenco, arte redescubierto después de largos años tras ser considerado como parte indisoluble del nacionalismo franquista y de su folclore. Con el sabor del festival "Cante de las Minas", en 1997,
empezó mi largo viaje para retratar a los grandes del flamenco
con una cámara de plaça transportable. Asi encontramos a hombres junto a mujeres, payos al lado de gitanos, viejos y jóvenes, bailaores, cantaores, músicos, jerezanos, sevillanos, gaditanos, madrileños,... un sin fin de personalidades del flamenco. El proyecto sigue, porque el flamenco engancha. |